Monday, August 31, 2009

My new Hobby.....

At the risk of sounding ridiculous, I thought I might let my Xanga friends in on my new hobby......
Fingernails to be exact. For all the 26 years of my life, I'll confess it to the world (although it is no secret) I have been a nail biter. Shame shame shame. I even got caught once when I was driving, and I came to stop light. I was gnawing on them when I look over to the car next to me and there is a man kinda chuckling and he had the "tsk tsk tsk, no no" point with his finger going on! Honestly, I think this would have to be my most UN-ladylike feature about me. Seriously, who wants to see a woman chewing on her hands?! I tried every trick in the aids around EVERY sauce....yucky nail polish......even gloves! But to no avail...each of them failed everytime. So then I cheated for a couple years and started going to the salon to have nails put on. This still did not help me! I still found myself putting them in my mouth!
So....with the inspiration of a friend and the determination of my own will.....I set out 21 days ago to kick this thing and guess what....I DID!!! Wanna know the secret?! I would say I borderline obsession right now actually. I don't do things half heartedly. I'd rather not even do them at all then do it half way. So I decided to paint my nails (or stubs you could call them) a darker color so that immediately when I saw the dark color I would be reminded not to put them in my mouth. Sure worked! It has now become my new hobby to every night tend to my nails. I trim the cuticles so I don't have any loose hangnails that tempt me to bite them off with my teeth (ewww!!! I know I did it for 26 years and all but when you actually write it out, it sounds so disgusting!) I bought some growth nail polish that works like a CHARM and now I've entered the new world (new to me at least) of polished and pretty nails!!
My mom once told me when I was a little girl that if I could get them to grow long enough to where I could turn my fingers around and see the nail from the other side, that she would buy me whatever colr nail polish I wanted and I could paint them.....Is that offer still valid Mom?!?!? I'd like to wait another 2 weeks or so to get them all at a good length and treat myself to a manicure at a salon and have them shaped right. I have NO idea how to do that yet!
Ok.....enough of the silliness and my quirky little post......But, if any one has any tips for fabulous nails......feel free to let me in on them!!!! (I have already been told there is such thing as SCENTED nail polish!!!)

1 comment:

  1. how funny!!!

    well, i should paint my nails a darker color. what color did you use?! I am ALWAYS bitting my nails..I am not 26...yet so maybe I can break the habbit in 5 years LOL

    bc i am an expecting mom, my nails grow SO SO SO fast...I have been trying to cut them instead of biting them...but sometimes you dont have finger nail clippers with you all the time..and plus who wants to hear someone clipping their nails in that is gross and irratating (in my opinion).

    i have heard that prenatal vitimens help with growth of nails =) you can try that!

    about the scented polish...that would make me want to bite my nails even more LOL
