Friday, August 21, 2009

"There is lettuce in my purse"....

“We don’t show our boogers to people”…..”Please take that out of your nose” …..”Is that water on the floor or pee pee?!” …..

These sayings have all become regular in our home the past week. There are many circumstances involved that I’ll just be keeping to myself for now but the long and short end of things is…….for now, we are the “acting parents” to 2 precious little boys! How long you ask? That is still uncertain but we’re praying for God’s wisdom in the situation and asking for HIS WILL to be done.
In the meantime, it is now our responsibility to see to it that these precious boys (ages 3 and 2) get the most loving and safe environment and teach them about CHRIST and all the wonderful things HE has done for us. We pray that our impact on these boys will be LASTING FOREVER and will set a firm foundation to follow them throughout their lives.
Just minutes after packing them up in the car to take them home, we fell in love with them and we KNOW that God has ordained all of this in motion! So for now….it is time to HANG ON TIGHT!!! It is gonna be a wild ride!!

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