Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday Afternoon

Outside my window... I mowed all of the lawns yesterday and now, there are 8 (YES 8!!) birdies bathing in the sprinkler. It’s adorable!

I am thinking... about October and it’s events……Home Missions Conference, a wedding and a visit from friends who live FAR away

From the office... a shelf that needs to be hung and receipts that need to be entered

I am thankful for... the budding relationship that is growing between us and the neighbors. (a chance to witness!!)

From the kitchen...Watermelon slices are drying in my NEW dehydrator!!! (a birthday gift from my in laws), anyone used one before? Any suggestions of your favorite things?

I am wearing...I changed into some workout clothes for in between services.

I am reading... My Bible and “My Utmost for His Highest”. (as usual)

I am hoping... for the Lord to bring growth in our church.

I am creating...a biography of myself for the ladies conference I was asked to speak at in September. It is hard to list your life’s events in just a few short paragraphs.

I am praying...for a certain family that needs to draw nigh unto the LORD!

Around the house...everything is perfectly tidy except for the disaster in our master closet. One of the racks that was holding up my part of the closest fell down. (for the 3rd time now!!) Tomorrow night….we have a date with home depot. Hubby says I need to get rid of some clothes…..I say we need stronger screws!!!!

One of my favorite things... Having so many clothes that the rack falls on the floor! I am one spoiled girl.

A few plans for the rest of the week...This Friday and Saturday we’re driving to see my brother, sister in law, and two nieces! (one of them is brand new!! Just a couple days old!)

Here are some pictures I am sharing with you...

The newest addition to the extended family....she was an 11 pounder at birth! I think her Mama deserves some serious props for this one!

This is me, all bundled up at 8am on Saturday as we drove to go crabbing with some friends we have been trying to witness to. What you can't see is, we are in Jeep with all the windows and top off! By the afternoon, it felt perfect but at 8am, it was still FREEZING!!

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